Vegan Protein by Weider® is your best option if you want to include in your diet a
vegan protein of the highest quality and delicious taste. Pea protein thanks to
its excellent amino acid composition is the best vegetable protein you can use,
offering a nutritional value comparable to whey protein. The main protein in
Vegan Protein is pea isolate (Pisane C9) that has been enriched with pea protein (Pisane C9).
rice, by combining the protein of a legume with that of a cereal, we obtain a protein
high biological value and easily digestible. 100% tolerable. The origin and production process of
The plant proteins that make up Vegan Protein by Weider® is carried out by means of
physical processes and without using chemical solvents such as hexane.
Aimed at all those people who need extra protein and are concerned about
for their health, such as sportsmen and women, elderly people and people with a high level of
physical wear and tear. Vegan Protein is ideal for all those who wish to consume protein.
clean, safe and naturally free of lactose, gluten and cholesterol. It is also
perfect for all those people who are not vegetarians but want to reduce their dietary intake.
consumption of animal protein without reducing the quality of the protein in their diet.
Weider® has now added B12, as very low intakes of this vitamin can lead to
cause anaemia and nervous system deterioration and the only reliable vegan sources of
B12 are supplements and foods fortified with it.